Human Rights Policy


Human Rights Policy

Fuji Media Holdings Group Human Rights Policy

Fuji Media Holdings (the "Company") Group’s basic management policy is to always be aware of the public duty and social responsibility of a broadcaster, and to contribute to fuller and richer lives for all through the Media & Content, Urban Development, Hotel & Resort, and other businesses.
Based on this basic philosophy, we will do our utmost to realize a society in which human rights are respected.
This policy is intended to make clear the Company group's commitment to conducting business activities while respecting human rights.

[Scope of applicability]

This policy applies to all executives and employees of the Company group. Business partners of group companies are also expected to respect human rights in line with this policy.

[Compliance with laws, regulations and rules related to human rights]

The Company group supports and respects international norms regarding human rights, such as the International Bill of Human Rights (including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Human Rights) and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
In addition, we will ensure compliance with the domestic laws and other regulations of each country and region in which we operate.

[Commitment to respect for human rights]

We recognize the importance of individuals as a foundation of Company group as a corporate entity and will ensure respect for human rights.
We will promote initiatives to respect human rights based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
To date, we have signed the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in April 2018, expressing our support for the 10 universal principles relating to human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.
In May 2022, we issued the Sustainability Statement as a guideline for the Company group's efforts to realize a sustainable society. In the statement, we have declared to realize an inclusive society in which human rights are respected and diverse values are accepted.
We will continue to ensure a fair and peaceful free society through our business activities and other activities to contribute to society, fulfill our responsibilities required by society, and strive to realize a working environment in which each and every employee can work actively.

◼ Prohibition of discrimination and harassment

We will respect diversity and not engage in any discrimination. In addition, we will not condone any form of harassment, bullying, or improper treatment, including sexual harassment or power harassment.

◼ Appropriate working environment

We will not condone forced labor or child labor. In addition, we will strive to ensure appropriate working hours and a safe and healthy workplace with a workplace environment where employees can work with peace of mind.

◼ Respect for human rights as a media group

Recognizing the significance of the social impact of media, we will strive to respect basic human rights through the content and services we provide. We will respect the rights of performers and interviewees and do our utmost to avoid infringing their rights.

[Human rights due diligence]

We will establish a human rights due diligence system to prevent or mitigate the adverse impacts that our business activities may have on human rights. We will also provide appropriate education to executives and employees of the Company group to deepen their understanding of this policy.

[Dialogue with stakeholders]

We will continue to engage in dialogue with stakeholders and promote initiatives to respect human rights while consulting with outside experts.

[Correction and Remedy]

We will establish procedures to provide remedy, including the establishment of a contact point. In the event an allegation is made regarding the infringement of one’s human rights, we will promptly conduct an investigation and take necessary measures. We will also strive to implement preventive measures to mitigate the risk of future human rights violations.

[Information disclosure]

Information on the Company group's efforts to respect human rights will be disclosed as appropriate on the corporate website.

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