Internal Control

Company Information

Systems to Secure the Properness of Business Activities and the Status of Implementation of the Systems

1 . Systems to secure the properness of business activities

(1)  Systems to secure the execution by the Directors and employees of their duties to comply with laws or ordinances and the Articles of Incorporation, and the regulations concerning management of exposure to the risk of loss and other systemsThe vision of the Company and its subsidiaries (the "Group") of becoming Japan's representative "Media Conglomerate" requires the Company of the conduct of appropriate group governance, quickness in decision-making and flexibility in execution of business to fulfill its public mission of its media business central to a certified broadcast holding company. For that purpose, as well as to ensure the effectiveness of compliance with laws or ordinances and the Articles of Incorporation and risk management, the Company shall build up required systems.

  • a .   Organization system
    The Company shall, pursuant to the "Regulations Concerning Compliance and Risk Management of the Group" (the "Group Compliance Regulations"), exercise general control over, and promote, the relevant operations of the Group. The Company shall also institute a "Committee for Compliance and Risk Management of the Group" (the "Group Compliance Committee") comprised of the Group's presidents/representative directors to respond to compliance issues and risks that may have a material effect on group management.
  • b .   Education and training
    Through holding explanatory meetings related to compliance of the Group on a timely basis, conveying related matters and etc., the Company shall inform the Directors and employees of the Group of the importance of compliance and risk management and promote the understanding thereof.
  • c .   Credibility of financial reporting
    The Group shall exert efforts to build up a system to strengthen compliance and risk management while giving full consideration to individual operations carried on properly, and also establish an internal control system to ensure the credibility of financial reporting pursuant to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.
  • d .   Internal audits
    The Company shall, pursuant to the "Internal Audit Regulations", monitor the status of internal audits by, and internal control systems of, the Group on a regular basis to confirm that the whole operations of the Group are conducted properly and validly in terms of laws or ordinances, the Articles of Incorporation and the internal rules, as well as the management policy.

(2) Systems concerning storage and management of information on the execution by the Directors of their dutiesPursuant to the information management manuals of the Company, information on the execution by the Directors of the Company of their duties shall be stored and managed properly and accurately in a manner facilitating searching according to the storage media and shall be kept available for inspection for specified periods.

(3) Systems to secure efficient execution by the Directors of their dutiesThe Directors of the Company shall continue to carry out a study on more rational and prompt operations to secure more efficient management of the Group. The Company shall formulate management plans of the whole Group and monitor the implementation thereof by receiving reports on operating results from each of the Group or otherwise.

(4) Systems to secure the properness of business activities of the GroupTo secure the properness of business activities of the corporate family that comprises the Group, the Company shall, in respect of the Group's compliance and its risk management, as well as its business management, institute specialized departments and divisions respectively and promote the building up of the systems.

  • a .   To accurately grasp the situations of management of its subsidiaries and help the healthy development of their business activities, the Company shall take steps to receive reports from the subsidiaries on a regular and continuous basis, among others, to strengthen information sharing within the corporate group.
  • b .   The Company shall promote the building up of a system under which each subsidiary of the Company shall autonomously make workable compliance and risk management according to its type of operation and scale of the business and also establish a system under which for the purpose of responding to any risk that may have a material effect on group management, the Company shall accurately grasp the situation.
  • c .   To ensure the effective execution of business by its subsidiaries, the Company shall promote group-wide management pursuant to the "Regulations of Management of Associated Companies".
  • d .   The Company shall institute specialized departments and divisions to promote group compliance and through the "Group Compliance Regulations", promote the establishment of corporate ethics and the building up of a group compliance system and a risk management system. The Company shall also establish a whistleblower system available to the Directors and employees of the Company, as well as the Directors, audit & supervisory board members, executive employees, executive officers and employees of its subsidiaries (the "Directors and employees of the Group"), with the aim of further ensuring the effectiveness of group compliance.

(5) Matters concerning the Directors and staff to assist the Audit & Supervisory Committee to execute their duties, and the matters concerning the independence of the Directors and staff from other Directors (excluding Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members) to assist the Audit & Supervisory Committee Members to execute their duties and the effectiveness of directions to such Directors and staffThe Audit & Supervisory Committee Members of the Company shall appoint the Audit & Supervisory Committee Members' staff to assist in the execution of their duties. The Audit & Supervisory Committee Members' staff shall conduct business concerning the convocation of meetings of the Audit & Supervisory Committee, the preparation of minutes and the administration of the Audit & Supervisory Committee and assist the Audit & Supervisory Committee Members to execute their duties. Such business shall be assigned to the department that has been designated as in charge as provided for in the segregation of duties. The Audit & Supervisory Committee Members' staff shall, as employees of the Company, be subject to the official rules of employment of the Company. However, in principle, the authority to direct and give order to the Audit & Supervisory Committee Members' staff shall belong to the Audit & Supervisory Committee and no Director (excluding Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members) shall have such authority. With regard to the evaluations, personnel changes and disciplinary punishments of the Audit & Supervisory Committee Members' staff, opinions of the Audit & Supervisory Committee shall be sought.

(6) System for reports by the Directors and employees of the Group to the Audit & Supervisory Committee of the Company, items related to expenses to be incurred on the performance by the Audit & Supervisory Committee Members of their duties (limited to those related to the execution of duties of the Audit & Supervisory Committee), and other systems necessary for the Audit & Supervisory Committee to effectively execute its dutiesThe Company shall establish and implement the system for reports by the Directors and employees of the Group to the Audit & Supervisory Committee of the Company , items related to expenses to be incurred on the performance by the Audit & Supervisory Committee Members of their duties (limited to those related to the execution of duties of the Audit & Supervisory Committee), and other systems necessary for the Audit & Supervisory Committee to effectively execute its duties as described below:

  • a  .  The Directors and employees of the Group shall report the following matters on a timely basis:
    • 1  .   When a fact is found that may have a material effect on business or finance.
    • 2  .  When a fact is found that any dishonest act is done or laws or ordinances, the Articles of Incorporation or the internal rules are violated in executing duties or when any act in contravention with generally-accepted ideas is likely to occur or occurs, such fact or act is found to be material.
    • 3  .  When any other urgent or emergent event is found.
  • b .   The Directors and employees of the Group shall report the following matters to the Audit & Supervisory Committee on a regular basis or whenever necessary:
    • 1  .   Monthly accounting data for each month;
    • 2  .  Internal audit reports and major monthly reports from each department;
    • 3  .  Important litigation;
    • 4  .  Summaries of activities of the departments involved in internal control;
    • 5  .  Important accounting policies and accounting standards and the changes thereof;
    • 6  .  Details of publication of operating results and forecasts thereof and the details of important disclosure documents;
    • 7  .  Reports on business;
    • 8  .  Summaries of activities of the Audit & Supervisory Board Members; and
    • 9  .  Other important matters.
  • c .   In the event that the Directors and employees of the Group are requested by the Audit & Supervisory Committee of the Company to report the execution of their duties, they shall do so promptly.
  • d .   The Company shall provide for internal regulations to ensure that any Directors and employees of the Group who have given a report falling under any of paragraphs a., b., and c. above to the Audit & Supervisory Committee of the Company will not suffer unfavorable treatment because of giving such report.
  • e .   The Company shall bear expenses to be incurred on the performance by the Audit & Supervisory Committee Members of their duties in general.

The Company's internal control framework is as follows.

* Compliance refers to the management of compliance and risk.

2 . Overview of the status of implementation of the systems to secure the properness of business activities

The overview of the status of implementation of the systems during the fiscal year under review are described below:

(1)  Execution by the Directors of their dutiesDuring the fiscal year under review, the Board of Directors held seven meetings to deliberate on and determine important matters including management policies and receive reports on the execution by the Directors of their duties. The outside Directors including Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members of the Company attended all meetings of the Board of Directors. With regard to the execution of business, the executive Directors, with the President and Representative Director acting as the central role, made decisions in an efficient and speedy manner.

(2) Measures for group complianceThe Company convened a session of the "Group Compliance Committee" comprised of the presidents/representative directors of the Group to raise awareness of compliance and risk management within the whole Group. In addition, the Company held two sessions for officers of the Group responsible for compliance, as well as two sessions for relevant personnel in charge of compliance at the Group, respectively to share information on compliance and risk management of the Group. Furthermore, the Company confers rewards to companies in the Group that have proactively engaged in activities for compliance for each fiscal year, in an effort to develop awareness of compliance within the entire Group.

(3) Implementation of internal auditsIn accordance with the "Internal Audit Regulations", the internal control division prepared an "Internal Audit Plan" and audited the Group. The results of the audits were reported to the President and Representative Director of the Company, and the summaries thereof were fed back to each of the audited Group.

(4) Execution by the Audit & Supervisory Committee of their dutiesDuring the fiscal year under review, the Company held seven Audit & Supervisory Committee meetings to deliberate and decide on the audit policy and audit plan. The Audit & Supervisory Committee carried out audits according to the audit plan formulated by Audit & Supervisory Committee, while having interview with Directors (excluding Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members) of the Company and the presidents/representative directors of its subsidiaries, receiving reports on their execution of duties and exchanging opinions and information with full-time audit & supervisory board members of the subsidiaries of the Company on a regular basis. The Audit & Supervisory Committee of the Company also exchanged opinions and information with the account auditor and the internal audit sections of the Company individually on a regular basis. The Audit & Supervisory Committee's staff selected by the committee on its own pursuant to the Regulations of the Audit & Supervisory Committee, are engaged in the affairs related to the administration of the committee, including convocation of the committee meetings and preparation of minutes, while supporting the execution of duties of the committee.

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